Privacy Policy

Koujirushi Konishi Shoten Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the "Company") complies with laws, regulations and other rules regarding the protection of personal information, and when handling the important personal information of its customers, it works to carefully protect it.


Definition of personal

Personal information is information, such as names, telephone numbers, addresses and email addresses, based on which individuals can be specifically identified or their identities can be verified.


Purpose of use of personal

The Company does not gather any personal information about its customers without their permission.
As a general rule, the Company gathers personal information about its customers subject to their willingness to provide this information.
In addition, personal information provided by customers will be used within the scope of the following purposes.

  • Response to opinions or inquiries received from customers
  • Offering of improvements and/or services that are valuable to customers
  • Necessary contact of customers for any other reason

Disclosure of personal

The Company will not disclose personal information provided by customers to any third parties except in any of the following cases.

  • The customer has consented to the disclosure.
  • The disclosure will be done in a way that does not allow the customer to be identified individually.
  • The disclosure is considered to be necessary from legal perspectives.
  • The Company has determined that the customer will disadvantage a third party.
  • Disclosure is considered necessary for the benefit of the customer or the public.

Secure management of personal

The Company takes necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of any leak, loss or damage of or unauthorized access to the personal information of its customers, and to manage personal information appropriately.


Inquiries regarding, correction of, addition to and deletion of personal information

Customers wishing to inquire about, correct, add to or delete personal information that they have provided to us are kindly requested to contact the inquiry office.
From the perspective of preventing the leak of personal information, the Company will only disclose, correct or delete personal information of these customers within a reasonable period of time if it confirms that the request has been made by the customers themselves.


Scope of the related laws,
regulations and other rules

The Company complies with laws and regulations regarding the personal information provided by its customers.
The Company may revise its personal information protection policy to facilitate the protection of personal information of its customers in the best ways possible, or due to the change of Japanese laws and regulations that should be observed.


Changes in and announcement
of the privacy policy

The Company will review the policy as necessary to address changes of laws and regulations while simultaneously striving to improve it. The details of changes to the privacy policy and the review and revision of it will be clarified, mainly on the Company's website.


Inquiry office

Customers are kindly requested to contact the inquiry office by telephone at 0479-22-2424 regarding any inquiry about their personal information or the content of the Company's privacy policy

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